About me

Simple, just like the universe.

Trying to be an autodidact

I graduated from KU Leuven with a MSc in AI (specialized in Speech and Language Technology) and a MSc in Business Economics.I have an “insatiable” curiosity about things that interest me (which changes frequently), currently I am focusing on machine learning, web development basics, I also enjoy language learning: passed German(B2) exam in 2017 but ever since that day I stopped it, what a bummer!

Trying to enjoy my life

I'm a hardcore coffee drinker, hotpot enthusiast, skateboard quitter, sudoku wizard ... MBTI-INTJ (I don't really believe in such kind of personality indicator though). Chengdu is the place where I was born and grow up, I love it! Europe is the place where I spent my golden seven years, more golden yeras coming up! But whenever possible, I'm going to go on an adventure on new continents!